Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's been a while

It has been a while since I have posted.  Christmas has come and gone.  We had a wonderful Christmas.  We had company for a week, so we got to be tourists in our area which is nice.  New Years has also come and gone.  We hope that it is a better year economically than last year was.

Things at the shop have been slow, but hopefully will pick up as this is our busy season.  We have new fabrics in from Moda.  We also have jelly rolls from their new Summer Breeze Collection.  We also have Wildflowers from Sentimental Studios.

I have decided this year to do a Sue Garman block of the month Christmas quilt.  Hopefully it will not be a one block wonder.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

We also have classes scheduled for January and February.  I am uploading a picture of the upcoming jacket class which starts January 10th.